Vaginal Rejuvenation

Vaginal Rejuvenation

There are several procedures to improve the appearance of the female external genitalia, which can present with anatomical variants of the development of the external genitalia (normal genetic variability), by congenital malformations , due to changes over time,   loss of body fat, increase in body fat, maternity and aging.
For its correction there are procedures indicated according to the type of situation evidenced in the physical examination.

The most frequently consulted situation is the protrusion of the labia minora over the major ones, generating an unpleasant appearance, which can be congenital or acquired by motherhood.
This situation is corrected with a procedure called labiaplasty or nymphoplasty, which is performed under general or assisted local anesthesia and venous sedation.

The excessive tissue due to resection of the labia minora is demarcated, in the shape of a triangular wedge of lateral skin and moist medial or vaginal mucosa, which extends towards the clitoris in cases that require reduction of its hood. The final scar is hidden in the groove between the labia majora and minora, respecting the free edge and its particular placement. Absorbable stitches, antibiotics and analgesics are used.

If due to weight gain or personal anatomical variant  ,the mons pubis is prominent and/or the labia majora thickened;  it can be done through a small incision, after infiltration of saline solution with adrenaline, liposuction of the area to be treated, closed and put on a compression garment. It is managed with antibiotics and analgesics.

Anti-inflammatory therapies (massages) are performed and the final result is obtained after approximately 3 months.
If due to loss of body fat due to diet or excessive exercise, lipo transfer of the labia majora is performed,  which requires a small liposuction, its preparation and lipo transfer with micro cannulas to ensure its survival. With a postoperative period similar to the previous one.
Cases of incontinence or a wide vaginal canal are recommended to be referred to a gynecologist or urologist.

Vaginal Rejuvenation

Technical Record

Procedure or surgery
lip plasty

direct surgical resection

Less protruding labia minora (protruding). Preserve more normal anatomy. hidden scar

Type of anesthesia:
General. local assisted

Medial and lateral wedge, inter labial sulcus extension.

Effects and convalescence
Ambulatory, edema for a month, monitored for two weeks, use of healing cream.
Suspension of exercise and sexual activity for one month.

Bleeding and bruising
Dehiscence (opening) of stitches, infection, infrequent sensory alteration, asymmetry, vaginal narrowing.

Postoperative Instructions:
Healing cream, antibiotic and analgesics. Stop physical and sexual activity for a month.
Removal of sutures in case they do not fall after two weeks.

Technical sheet liposuction or lipo transfer:
Mons Venus and labia majora liposuction or body liposuction for transfer

Increase in the labia majora or decrease in its volume and mount of venus.

Exams, no vaginal discharge, fasting the day of anesthesia

Type of anesthesia:
General or assisted local.

Small in pubis and body suction lipo area.

Edema two weeks, points 5 days, belt if applicable, postoperative massages.
Stop physical and sexual activity for a month.

Hematoma, infection, irregularities, fat reabsorption, sensory alteration.

I rest for three days, stop exercising for a month, antibiotics, analgesics, postoperative massages, a girdle for a month if applicable.

At about three months

The place where an aesthetic or plastic surgery is important when looking for a goodresult. La Clinica Angel has all the infrastructure and technology then necessary to give that assurance.
The place where an aesthetic or plastic surgery is important when looking for a goodresult. La Clinica Angel has all the infrastructure and technology then necessary to give that assurance.
The place where an aesthetic or plastic surgery is important when looking for a goodresult. La Clinica Angel has all the infrastructure and technology then necessary to give that assurance.