Botulinum Toxin – (Botox)


Botulinum Toxin - (Botox)

The patients that present wrinkles of facial expression in the foreheadbrowperiorbitarian or hen paw and fall of the brows; profit from the application of the  botulinum toxin (Botox – Dysport), substance that paralyzes the muscles that are producing these wrinkles diminishing them to the maximum, still leaving the face with facial expression but with a more juvenile appearance without surgery

It is recommended at any age and mainly for the patients that do not yet need a surgery or that want a simpler solution for their problem. 

The duration of the effect is transitory, 4 to 6 months, after which we can re-apply again or to wait for a new dose. It is carried out in the clinic without anesthesia in 10 minutes, for a complete result in 2 to 7 days.

Botulinum Toxin - (Botox)

Technical Record

Procedure or surgery
Reduction of facial wrinkles in the superior third of the face.

– Use of an injectable toxin that generates paralysis of the infiltrated muscles that are the cause of located wrinkles, in frontbrow and periorbit
– Clinic procedure without anesthesia.

– To reduce the wrinkles that are present in the brow, the periorbitarian wrinkles of the hen paw and front wrinkles in a 70 to 80% elevating the line of the brow to obtain a more open eye
– It can only be applied in some of the mentioned places if the patient only wants a specific change. 
– Other applications of the botulinum toxin are: 
Excessive sweating in armpits and palms of the hands. 
–Some neurological problems.

Preoperative Preparation: 
– Patient without make up 
– It doesn’t require other preparations.

Type of Anesthesia
– It doesn’t generally require anesthesia
– Some patients can use anesthesia in cream two hours before.

– None.

Effects and/or convalescence: 
– A light ecchymosis can be presented (bruises). There is hardly ever pain after the application.


– Rarely allergies have been documented. 
– There can be asymmetries more related with the application.


Post operative Instructions: 
– The patient should remain sat down or stood up without becoming agitated and without touching the face 6 hours after the application to avoid the product to paralyze unwanted areas.

– None

– The results are only visible two to seven days after the application.

Final time: 
– The result of the botox lasts 4 to 6 months according to each individual. 
– The reapplication depends on the patient’s desire of maintaining the result. 
– The application rhythm is of minimum 6 months, but it can be applied every year or two years according to the patient’s desire.

The place where an aesthetic or plastic surgery is important when looking for a goodresult. La Clinica Angel has all the infrastructure and technology then necessary to give that assurance.
A plastic surgeon in Colombia must be supported by institutions and agencies that certify their expertise and experience in aesthetic surgery must also have the necessary study to offer their services.
It is important that every patient knows what will be the recovery process in each procedure. Although variation in each aesthetic plastic surgery and every person, there are details that are common.