Rhytidoplasty – Face Lift


Rhytidoplasty - Face Lift

This procedure is indicated in the patients that have flaccidity of the neck’s skin, not well defined jaw line, fallen down cheeks and marked cheek furrow.

General anesthesia is recommended, and in selected cases, local anesthesia attended with sedation.

We carry out a boarding around the ear and behind this, the skin of the cheekneck, rises stretching out the face and neck muscles, the excessive skin is stretched out and clipped, and we carry out procedures of neck stretchingliposuction of jowl etc.

Approximate Duration: 3 hours, ambulatory handling. 
Face bandage is left for one week, then we remove the sutures and physiotherapy begins. 
Antibiotics and analgesics are formulated for one week.

Rhytidoplasty - Face Lift

Technical Record

Procedure or surgery
Skin stretching and reacomodación of the facial muscles.

– Open technique enlarged in two planes. 
– Conservative technique with short inciciones.

– Re positioning of cheek that are taken down. 
– To soften the furrow nasogeniano (line of the smile). 
– To define the border mandibular
– To correct the flaccidity and/or cuardas or pleats of the neck
– Re positioning of the facial musculature
– Facial Rejuvenation.

Preparation preoperatorio: 
– I fast before 8 hours. 
– To communicate possible allergies medicamentosas. 
– To go the day of the intervention with garments of dressing comfortable and wide, of buttoning or zipper. 
– To go unmakeup.

Type of Anesthesia
– General in most of the cases. 
– It can sometimes be carried out by means of local anesthesia and sedation.

– He/she is carried out an incision that begins behind the sideburn, you dirije down skirting the ear, then goes up again from behind of the ear and you dirije to the installation of the hair. He/she can have, variations in their longitude, depending on the severity of the square or variations in the area of the sideburn in men or in secondary surgeries. 
– Drains is placed from behind of the neck, one to each side.

Effects and/or convalescence: 
– Very visible swelling during one week that is solved in two to three weeks. 
– Equímosis (lived) during 15 days. 
– Located changes of sensibility (they disappear in weeks) 
– The drenes retires in one to two days.

– It hemorrhages post operative, not very frequent. It requires strict surveillance. 
– Infection. Very not very frequent. 
– Seroma, not very frequent. 
– Skin necrosis, very related with smoking patients or with circulatory problems. 
– Bad scaring, is the patient’s individual factor. 
– Thrombosis (clots) veined in inferior members, in patients that have varixes.

Instructions post operative: 
– I rest relative the first 3 days. 
– Not to carry out efforts the first two weeks. 
– Use of facial bandage for 5 to 7 days and later lycra mentonera for two weeks (I use nocturne). 
– To take the recommended medication. 
– Not to take the sun at least in two months. 
– To attend controls newspapers. 
– The patient can travel in 20 to 30 days, according to the evolution. 
– Retiro of points in 8 to 15 days. 
– I freeze post operative dutante 48 hours. 
– Physiotherapy post operative, after the 5 day.

– A maximum day, it could be ambulatory.

– Facial rejuvenation.

Final time:
– Two months

Rhytidoplasty - Face Lift




The place where an aesthetic or plastic surgery is important when looking for a goodresult. La Clinica Angel has all the infrastructure and technology then necessary to give that assurance.
A plastic surgeon in Colombia must be supported by institutions and agencies that certify their expertise and experience in aesthetic surgery must also have the necessary study to offer their services.
It is important that every patient knows what will be the recovery process in each procedure. Although variation in each aesthetic plastic surgery and every person, there are details that are common.